Halloween is one of the most popular modern festivals adorned with eye-catching costumes, spooky decorations, and of course candies. But did you know how candies become the icon of Halloween? And what are the ‘healthier’ candies available? Scroll down to find out more!
History of Halloween
It is believed that Halloween is dated back more than 2,000 years to a Celtic New Year’s Day called Samhain which was celebrated on November 1st. On that day, the Celts lit bonfires, and set out food as gifts to win the favor of spirits, demons, and fairies who were believed to walk the Earth the night before. People would also disguise themselves so that the dead wouldn’t recognize them- which probably was how the Halloween cosplay culture came to life. Halloween was then brought to the United States by European immigrants and it became popular in the 1800s. As the years passed, Halloween became a time for young children to wear costumes as ghosts their ancestors were afraid of and go trick or treating for fun.
Trick or Treat?
During the Halloween celebration in the 19th century, some would play ‘tricks’ such as tying the doors shut, or clanking the windows to make the incidents seem as conjured by supernatural forces or spirits. To avoid these havocs, some homeowners would offer candy as a “treat” to the pranksters.
Trick or Treating was popularized in the U.S. after WW2 when rationing ended and candy was readily available again. Thanks to the rapid suburban neighborhood developments, it became even easier for kids to travel from house to house and participate in trick-or-treating.
With the rising popularity of trick-or-treating, adults would hand out individually wrapped candies rather than other food like nuts or apples since it is easier. By the mid-20th century, the old Halloween tradition of playing ‘tricks’ had disappeared completely as children just wanted candy, and adults would give it to them out of tradition and not as an offer not to play pranks on their houses.
Significant of Candies on Halloween
First manufactured in 18802, Candy Corn is considered a classic Halloween treat. Each year, around 35 million pounds of these iconic orange, yellow, and white cone-shaped candy is produced and the majority of them are sold for Halloween.
In 2020, candy sales for Halloween took a downturn due to COVID-19 lockdowns and rules. But the sales picked up again once the rules were eased and children were allowed to go trick-and-treating again in 2021. In 2022, it was reported that US consumers spent about $3.1 billion on candy for the Halloween Season- proving the unwavering demand for the Halloween Candy market.
New Alternatives for Healthier Treats
With many people adopting healthier diets and lifestyles, parents are also looking to choose healthier alternatives for Halloween candies. Oat Milk Chocolate and Low-Sugar Candy are already gaining a lot of demand for their health benefits and great taste. One of the new flavors that could become a popular candy for Halloween is Pineapple Candy. Pineapple candies are chewy, juicy, and have a sweet yet tangy taste. Pineapple candies also have several health benefits such as blood clot reduction, anti-inflammation, and help against common cold and sinus inflammation, etc. Since pineapples are rich in Vitamin C, pineapple candies are also good for immunity, bone strength, and good digestion.
Manufacturing of Pineapple Candy
The process of making the pineapple candy can generally be proceed as the following steps (1):
- Fruit Selection
- Washing
- Salt Treatment
- Washing and Alum Treatment
- Washing and Blanching to make pineapple softer
- Steeping in sugar syrup
- Adding of citric acid
- Drawing excess sugar syrip
- Coating with pectin or sugar
- Shade drying to reduce moisture
- Packing
- Storage
For machines such as fruit sorting, washers, mixers for syrups, and fruit peelers or crushers, MUNINMAX has a specialized pineapple process line to fulfill your needs. Visit our Pineapple Processing Line page for more details or send us an email via [email protected] to connect with our sales engineer now to get product information and consultation.
- http://www.niftem-t.ac.in/pmfme/pineapplecurmet.pdf